Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Sin-cere Robbery

Divergence of wealth, I discover vacancy. A post in the road of left and right, knowing that my decision will leave me to hold my own hand.

The exploited direction of earlier mars my landscape. Why did it fail if we wanted to pace each other’s solitary road? I dream of what was, the forecasted future. Pleasure broke the valley of his dim, creating the system I coveted.

Lying there, shivering, we found delight. The simple became the grand, the conversations became the familiar blankets of satisfaction. How we clung to this reality and tarnished it through progress. Wishing we had walked forward, the sea parted and we walked.

You call and I hear you. I know your sacrifice and discomfort. I too feel as you, yet we cannot find each other. I repose into our life smiling, then wake into wonder. I know you feel the same.

What is to come now, the isolation searing what remains. I know you are seared too. Mourning and creamers, laughing about the ridiculousness of our falsehoods. Another chance to exceed the lines and defend another round … For all authenticity finds home here.